dilluns, 4 d’octubre del 2010

Eileen Preuß ens escriu des d' Aalen

Eileen Preuß, estudiant d'optometria de la Aalen University of Applied Sciences va fer una estada al CUV acollint-se al programa Erasmus-Empresa durant el curs 09-10. La seva valoració de les pràctiques al CUV és molt positiva, ja que a la seva univeristat d'origen no tenen la possibilitat de fer pràctiques amb pacients reals sota la supervisió dels propis professors de l'escola.

De fet s'ha sentit tan ben acollida a Terrassa que ha solicitat tornar el proper quadrimestre per fer algunes assignatures optatives aquesta vegada acollint-se al programa Erasmus-academic. Estrarem contents de retrobar-la

Aqui us deixem les seves paraules parlant del CUV.

I think the CUV offered me a great chance to advance my knowledge in Optics and Optometry. It gives the students the possibility to provide patients with glasses or contact lenses. Advantageous is that they are able to use practically their knowledge they got at class. Therefore they gain a comprehensive insight of customer care, because they take care for customers from every age group , who have completely different problems. According to requirements they have to conduct the appropriate eye test, which will be controlled from a Professor. Beside normal refractions and contact lens adaptations they measure the eye pressure, do colour tests, use the amsler chart, check the eye ground i.a. They work on a high optometric level and use modern instruments. It is great that the students can apply their competence and gain experience at the same time, learning from their mistakes. They are able to discuss the problems with their fellow students and help each other.

La Eileen i la Luisa Klein, també estudiant d'Aalen, durant la seva estada al CUV